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UK sets new net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 target
The UK has set a Net Zero target by 2050!
U.K. to commit to net zero emissions by 2050
The UK has pledged 'net zero' carbon emissions, but what does this mean? | Euronews Answers
Climate Emergency: UK to commit to net zero carbon by 2050
COP26: Government sets out 'Net Zero' strategy | 5 News
Carbon taxes and the road to net-zero
Theresa May confirms target of 'net zero' emissions by 2050.
UK sets out net zero plan for 'green industrial revolution' and heat pumps
How you could be asked to help ease UK towards net-zero emissions target by 2050 - Today News
UK sets bold target to produce zero harmful emissions by 2050
Event: The Path to Net Zero - The UK’s international contribution